India Stands 3rd in AIDS

December 1st is declared as the World AIDS day and every year this day is dedicated for revising the status of AIDS and its effects among the nations and the concerned measures to be taken to fight back its ill effects. According to statistics, India is at the third position after South Africa and Nigeria, to hold the highest number of people affected with HIV.

HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus is transmitted through body fluids which target the T-cells and by destroying them directly affects the immune system. Immunity is the ability of organisms to fight any disorder or disease and keep the body in a balanced state. Since HIV reduces the immune power, the human body becomes vulnerable to infections and diseases.

Slowly the T-cells get reduced and the HIV virus spreads to entire body system thus taking it to next level called AIDS - Acute Immuno Deficiency Syndrome, which may not be adaptable to the treatments and may end up fatal. However, an advanced health care system has found out solutions and treatments to AIDS. Awareness about HIV/AIDS is spreaded among the people with specified targets.

AIDS in India:
The first ever case of AIDS was detected in India in the year 1986. The government understood the importance of its risk, so announced National AIDS control programme immediately in 1987 to bring all HIV cases to the limelight. Blood screening and AIDS tests happened in full swing among different sections of people and government came up with the establishment of the National AIDS Control Organisation in 1992.

State wise statistics place Goa, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Tamilnadu at the top four positions to hold the highest number of HIV infected patients. These southern states has improved health system and early detection is also one of the major reason to be found with more number of patients.

HIV/AIDS vulnerable sections:
The main mode of transmission of this virus is through sexual contact, so it is prevalent among the sex workers and the men who go to them. Also found among the homosexuals to an extent. Next comes the truck drivers who are always in mobile, crossing states opts prostitution for relaxation. Migrant workers, staying away from families also joins the list.

Another medium of transmission is through the transfusion of infected blood. This happens when syringes used to infected persons are re-used to non-infected without sterilizing then the virus gets transmitted. Drug users come under the vulnerable section because of the above reason and are found more in Punjab and North Eastern states where the insurgency of drugs is more. Some get infected by medical errors like injecting the infected blood to patients without proper testing.

Present status in India:
Prevention is better than cure. Based on this saying, NACO is involved in raising awareness among the people. Through media ads, widespread awareness is being created. Medical helplines, free medical camps, strong advice of usage of condoms and detection tests are the precautionary measures being taken.

NACO in different phases has scheduled the detection of cases and concerned medical treatments to be provided. The antiretroviral drug is being provided at free of cost to the most affected patients. Also, it should not be forgotten that AIDS is not contagious, so the support from family and peers is very important in the recovery of the patients.

In 1990s India was at the second position which has moved down to the next position in 2017, thus showing the improved condition of the health care and the nation. But still, way more to go. Individual discipline and avoidance of medical errors alone can help in eradicating this life-threatening disease.

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