Untouched by man-The story of 60000 year old island

The island where visitors are greeted with fire arrows and bows and the place where man is yet to land his feet has a population of 15 people (as a guess of census 2011) who hunts wildlife for their foods.  The place that exists for more than 60000 years in this world is North Sentinel island. This island is located far away from the Bay of Bengal, one of the most isolated places on the earth. The Sentinelese (people of North Sentinel Island) are hunters who hunt wild terrestrial animals by using bows and arrows and they do not belong to cannibalism.

Source: Internet

In early 1800, a British naval officer Portman who was the commander of Andaman and Nicobar island wanted to establish a contact with the peoples of Sentinelese. He led a group of a European armed group to the island. They captured 6 peoples among them 4 were children.  The two of the people have died on arriving Port Bliar and the children were returned back to the island with gifts.

In 1967, a team of T.N.Pandit (anthropologist) with help of Indian government went to the island to establish contact with islanders. The people on the island did not allow them to enter the island. Three years later the attempts were again made but again the result remained the same. In both attempts, the islander accepted the gifts of Pandit Team.

In 1974, National Geographic went to the island to film the documentary, they were attacked as soon as they reached the shore. The team placed the gifts on the shore and left away from the place. The islanders buried the gifts such doll and a live pig but they took the coconuts and cookware. 

Ten years later cargo ship landed near the island which was attacked by 50 peoples and later a week the ship was evacuated by a helicopter. In 1900, the Indian government set up welfare agency for the Islanders, they would leave gifts on the shore which resulted in violent encounters. Ten years later the program ended in a failure.

Two Indian fishermen trying to harvest crabs of the North Sentinel Island drifted their boats into the island. The group of Sentinelese attacked them with axes and hanged their bodies like a scarecrow on a bamboo stick. Indian Coast Guard tried to retrieve the bodies of fishermen were attacked by the group of Sentinelese people with bows and arrows. The rescue team found that the bodies were buried in a sand heap with ropes tied around their bodies but their bodies never retrieved.

John Allen Chau an American missionary wanted to establish a contact with the peoples of Sentinelese made an illegal visit to the island with the help of the local fishermen. In his recorded journal during his first visit to the island, he was attacked by the people of the island him with arrows and he hurried back to the boat. On his visit to the island, he tried to gift the people but he was attacked by a boy with a metal arrow. In his final visit to the island, the fishermen warned him not to get closer to the shore. Later fishermen saw the islanders dragging the body of Chau. It is believed that islanders have buried the body. The operation for the rescue of Chau body is being carried out by the Indian officials. As per the reports, it is so far said that officials are decided to call off the operation.

Still, it is a criminal offense to go within the 3 miles of the island or establishing contact with the people of the island as they are vulnerable to certain diseases. Their language is impossible to understand and it is not yet known to this day. The people of Sentinelese wants to stay away from this modern world, as they are no threat to the outsiders.

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