Abolition of human slavery - the worst social evil

The worst form of humiliation is human slavery. Now we are concerned about birds and animals too but still many are unaware that the slavery of humans is still existing in the society. Global slavery index statistics declared that around 40.3 million people are suppressed under slavery. While the male percentage is 29%, the females come under a whopping percentage of 71.

United Nations has declared December 2 as the International Day of the abolition of slavery in 1949 following which countries of the world passed many acts to eradicate this evil but still, this monster exists in the form of modern slavery in various forms. When nature which is the source of mankind is impartial towards every life form, the so-called six sense humans are practicing the worst form of distinction within its own species.

When and how slavery started:
No evidence of slavery can be found in the hunting and gathering era since people of those times lived in a community way of life where no one is neither dependent or independent, instead interdependent. Scholars found the form of slavery emerging in civilizations where people started the settled agriculture form of existence. This means of life demanded lands to cultivate which triggered the conquering nature in the humans. As every group on conquering a land made the subjects of the land as slaves to do labor for them.

As the civilizations started growing need for lands changed into greed for lands. Kingdoms started invading nations and this time their target was not only the land but actually, it was power. People with more lands and more slaves were accepted as the mightiest. In modern ages, the invasions were done in search of resources. The most affected region was Africa where resources were fully intact but the people had no fine knowledge of its usage. This ignorance was used by many European countries and they grabbed the land and made the owners of the land into slaves and exploited to the core.

Marx and slavery:
The central point of Karl Marx’s theory is the class struggle and he explains the evolution of society based on the discrimination between oppressors and the oppressed. In this theory, he explains about the slavery and its ill effects that took place in ancient society by dividing it into masters and slaves. The next stage of evolution mainly revolves around the European area where the society is divided into lords and serfs where a new form of slavery emerged in the form of forced labor or contract labor, as a result of the emergence of the French and industrial revolution.

The invention of machines created new magic which degraded agriculture instead factories started blooming up with a high demand for labors, where tenants and sharecroppers got converted into worker class. Slavery does not end here rather gets shifted to the next stage of evolution in the form of discrimination of proletariats by the bourgeoise and the suppression is still happening in capitalistic economies. In every form, the slaves were devoid of fundamental rights and were ill-treated in every cruel form. 

The unique Jajmani system of India: 
The Marxian theory of class struggle does not cover India because of its peculiar Jajmani system. William Wiser is a person behind the introduction of this concept in Indian sociology. This is not new to us as we have witnessed this system in many village based movies. This is about the relationship between the landowners and the labors who work for them from generation to generation.

This is not seen as a discriminatory relationship instead it is a strong bonding based on trust and loyalty. The landowners are generous enough to help their labors by respecting their loyalty and treats them with respect. The labors, in turn, show full loyalty to their masters. A family type bonding can be witnessed and both the classes live amicably sharing all their goods and bads.

Modern slavery in India:
Slave trade practiced in Europe and America region was shifted to India in the colonial regime. As the opposition to the slave trade started gaining momentum, Slavery abolition act 1833 and series of Slavery trade acts were announced thus placing a full stop to the evil. The traditional form of slavery got abolished but the modern form of slavery is still haunting the nation. They are forced labour, bonded labor, human trafficking, and child labor.

Forced labor is where a person is compelled to do a work against their will by threatening with a punishment if not agreed. It is the worst form of slavery where nill rights are offered. Bonded labor is making a person work to clear off any debt. Narrow rights are offered and there is a chance of freedom as the debt gets cleared off.

Human trafficking is the major scandal running like a fire around the world in present days. Mainly women and children are affected by this. More black money is pouring in the market for human trafficking rackets. This is done mainly for cheap labor and prostitution. We have enough acts and constitutional provisions to abolish slavery but in implementation we are lagging far behind. Global slavery index has placed India at the fifth position even our neighbor Pakistan is next low to us. This has alarmed the need to make stringent provisions. Let us make sure to protect our fellow humans from any form of distinction and sow seeds for an egalitarian society. Let us be humans.


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