Labeling theory : Worst still common stereotype

In ancient days, when humans were barbaric and their lifestyle was hunting and gathering, they lead an egalitarian community life. Settled agriculture and invention of phonetics are believed to be the reason for civilisation of mankind. A new attribute called common sense developed and humans were considered to be the advanced social animal with a special gift of thinking before acting.

Labeling theory :
The above said common sense taught manners and way to treat others, but in reality the society started growing stereotypes, day by day. People became so judgemental and started developing preconceptions. Labeling theory is one of the important concept in sociology, proposed by Howard Becker, showing how this interpretations may go wrong and even result in negative outcomes.

There are many preconceived ideas like people who are black and with hard skin, tend to be rude and rough. Same time, people with white complexion will never lie and indulge in deviant activities. We also label people from slums to have certain characteristics and will indulge in criminal activities while people from rich background to be a well-mannered ones. What happens eventually is, this interpretations becomes unwritten rules and gets inculcated strongly in the minds of the interpreters and the subjects of concern. This is called labeling people based on certain characteristics.

Symbolic interactionism :
Symbolic interactionism is another sociological concept explaining the background of labeling theory. According to this concept, people interact with each other based on the language, symbols and thoughts. Every act is attached with a special meaning based on the actor and is communicated to the opposite person through some symbols. Now the interpreter interprets this action based on his understanding of the symbol.

For instance, waving hands means either refusal or act of saying bye, is depends on how clearly the actor conveys through symbolic interactionism and the level of understanding of the interpreter. Similarly, in labeling theory, based on physical and social characteristics, interpreters make prejudices which are believed to be true by the people who are being interpreted and most of the times, they tend to develop such qualities imagining that to be their personal identity.

Stereotype to be broken :
Labeling people is that one stereotype we follow daily, knowingly or unknowingly. Net result is the development of new form of separatism among people and also creation of many deviants in the society causing nuisance and tend to destroy the peace of the society. Thus this stereotype is found harmful for both individual and society. So this has to be broken for the welfare of the people and to achieve an egalitarian society.


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