Kodaikanal still won't : A cause in the air

We, the people of Tamil nadu remember those days when our state used to top the rankings of industrial development. But recent days, a sort of fear has arised in the minds of the people, after witnessing the later effects from the issues like Hydrocarbon project, Sterilite factory etc. Similar saga based on mercury happened and still a burning topic in the Kodaikanal city of Tamil nadu.

Hindustan Unilever limited :
The story traces to 1983, when US posed stringent rules in handling toxic wastes, Chesebrough Pond’s Inc, a company producing mercury based thermometers had no other choice but to shift its factory from US. The landing site was none other than Kodaikanal, beautiful hill station. In 1986, HUL acquired this facility and started producing thermometers under the disguise of glass factory.
Everything went normal upto 2001 until people found some serious health issues leading to early deaths and other disorders. It did not spare even the unborn. Slowly people realised, that the reason behind was nothing but the free dispersal and improper disposal of the scraps of the mercury used in thermometer production. An association was formed and many NGOs and social activists took up the cause, gained attention from Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board leading to the closure of the factory.

Kodaikanal won’t :
In 2005, HUL was made liable to export the mercury scrap to US for recycling, because no such facility is available in India. Also they have to take up the responsibility of soil remediation, because in a hilly area like Kodaikanal, the toxic waste mixes up in water bodies due to leaching and thus entering food chain, causing severe diseases. In 2015, Sophia Ashraf, a rapper released an album called “Kodaikanal won’t”, in support of the people who suffered in this issue thus replying back strongly against the injustice.

In 2017, HUL started a trial on soil remediation and submitted a detailed report, thus accepting to remediate soil with 20g/kg mercury content. TNPCB has given permission to HUL, to take up the process after accepting the report. But still the activists are raising voices that there is no commitment from HUL towards compensation and rehabilitation for the ex-workers and the people of surrounding area. As any other issue, this is also dragging on.

Remedy :
Environment Impact Assessment is the important process which is like prevention is better than cure. Because, it is that essential step taken up even before setting up any facility. It categorises the factory, estimates the scope and feasibility, guides in management, also paves way for auditing even after the implementation. This crucial step has to be made more stringent to avoid such harmful projects to avoid human and resource loss. HUL should take up the moral responsibility. Sophia Ashraf is back again with “Kodaikanal still won’t”, a even more stronger refusal to bend down to corporates, through a live concert on June 29,2018 at Sivagami Pethachi auditorium, Mylapore at 6p.m. Chennaites show your support.
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