Chabahar port by 2019

India is keen in commencing the operation of Chabahar port by 2019, which was expressed by Transport and Shipping Minister Nitin Gadkari in a recent statement. Chabahar is a port being developed in Iran at the Gulf of Oman and India is assisting in its construction.  

Tripartite agreement
Iran being one of the major exporters of crude oil,  felt the necessity of a port after the 1979 revolution in the persian gulf. In 1990s , Iran approached India for assistance in building this port and the latter also accepted. A tripartite agreement was signed between Iran, Afghanistan and India. It benefited the landlocked Afghanistan also.
Important gateway
Chabahar port is the important gateway in the international North Southcorridor, which is a multimodal transit route through sea, road and rail networks. It connects the Eurasian region with the central Asian region thus forming a network of oil rich countries.

India’s interest in this port is multi dimensional. Firstly, the fast emerging country like India needs oil resource for the expanding industrialisation. Existing route is longer and not safer, so through Chabahar port it becomes easy in transiting oil. 

India can bypass Pakistan:
Secondly, the above said problem is due to the harder terms which India has with Pakistan, where the latter is creating issues in smooth transit through its region. So, through this port, India can bypass Pakistan and can transit oil through Afghanistan. Also can reach central Asia by participating in North South corridor.

Gwador port:
Thirdly, to put checks and balances over the string of pearls strategy of China, engulfing India. China is assisting Pakistan in developing Gwador port. It means that China can station its military wing here. As a counter, now India which became a military ally with Iran can station its forces as safety valve.

The alternative sanctioning and lifting of ban on Iran’s nuclear facilities by United States of America, dragged the completion and initiation of the port. But now India is focussing on operationalising the tripartite agreement, ignoring the threats of US. So by 2019, we can expect the commissioning of Chabahar port hopefully.

Written by Social Author Miss. Prabhakathamuthu

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