Ignorance : Best decision in many situations

Humans are the only creatures in the world , gifted with the sixth sense. It makes the human emotions the powerful ones in the world. This is a boon to mankind and at the same time a bane too, because in many situations people tend to hurt others with cruel intentions.

The people who hurt others also suffer as like that of the people who are being hurt, but still it happens because humans tend to commit errors. If it happens normally, then we have no choice other than facing it. But when we are made to encounter it intentionally, then there is no point in responding to such situations.
Childhood story:
Here a big question arises whether can we escape from such situations. The answer is big Yes! To make an easy understanding about this, I would like to share a story which I read during my childhood. It may be fictitious but the moral is so real and suits for all times..
Once Gandhiji was boarded on a ship and was travelling to abroad. The journey was slated to one month. On the first day of the journey, Gandhiji was spotted by a foreigner at the dinner hall. He was a racist and immediately felt offended to travel along with Gandhiji considering it as a prestige issue.

He decided to insult Gandhiji, so he planned a plot. He wrote a letter abusing Gandhiji and passed through a maid. Gandhiji read the letter and silently gave a look and took the letter along with him without uttering a word. The foreigner was confused but decided to continue this. Next day also he repeated the same and Gandhiji again took the letter along with him without replying.

This routine happened for around ten days. The foreigner was so frustrated because he expected either Gandhiji to quarrel with him or to avoid taking the letter. But Gandhiji did neither of it. So out of curiosity he straight away met Gandhiji and expressed his feeling.

Gandhiji with a smile on his face said “ On the very first day I realised that the only useful thing in the letter was the bell pin you used to pin the papers. So from the next day I just collected the pins and threw away the rest of the waste things into dustbin. “ On hearing this the foreigner was stunned and went speechless. For rest of the journey, he did not show up to Gandhiji and maintained distance out of shame.

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Written By Social Author Miss. Prabhakathamuthu

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