Ban On Plastics

Plastic is a polymer made out of structural units called monomers. In the fast track world, use of plastic is so wide that no industry is left without using plastics.

Types of Plastics
There are two types of plastics - Thermosetting plastics , once cooled and set in a shape, it retains the shape forever. Thermoplastics can be melted and set into any desired shape.

Issues with plastics
Plastic is so easy to mould and convenient to use. At the same time, problem associated with it is its degradation, because plastics cannot be degraded easily and takes years together for decomposition. Over usage of plastics resulted in dumping of plastics waste which affects birds and fishes which intake them, pollution created due to melting of plastics which affects the humans and causes severe diseases.

Ban of plastics 
After many years of its discovery, slowly countries felt the need to restrict the production and use of plastics. At a certain point of time, countries started setting rules to ban plastics. In 2003, Himachal pradesh was the first Indian state to announce banning of plastics. Later, many other states also declared ban on plastics.

In 2011, 40 microns became the acceptable size of polythene bags and fines were charged on violating this rule. In 2016, Sikkim became the organic state thus ruling out plastic usage. Recently Maharashtra has announced stricter regulations on banning plastics.

Solution to the problem
Best solution is to use paper or cloth bags to carry products. Recent innovation of biodegradable plastics manufactured from the starch content results in easy decomposition. Even though complete elimination is not possible, atleast the prescribed 40 microns size bags should be brought to usage. Environmentalists and social activists are already creating awareness. Strict imposition of rules and monitoring can help in preventing the use of plastics to a great extent.
Written By Social Author Miss.PrabhaKathamuthu 

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