PM Narendra Modi unveiling the 'Statue of Unity' in the honor of Sardar Vallabhai Patel

Gujarat is all set to add the new wonder of the world ‘Statue of Unity’ to its fame, in the honor of the great Indian leader Sardar Vallabhai Patel. Today, 31st October, the country is to salute the contribution of Patel, as the Prime Minister Mr.Narendra Modi will unveil his statue. Patel is known as the ‘Iron man of India’ for his strong and pragmatic decisive nature which borne the present shape of India, both politically and physically.

Patel’s association and journey with INC:
The penetration of British into India also brought western education along with it. The young minds who were in search of new ideas were easily attracted to the modern concepts of Europe. There was a tradition among these youth to become a barrister with their higher studies in London. Patel was no different and he gained his law graduation in 1915. But nature had a different plan.

In 1918, Ahmedabad mill strike between Gujarat mill owners and the workers regarding plague bonus saw its ending with Gandhi’s Sathyagraha efforts, difficult to practice yet more effective. Here is where Patel met Gandhi and was completely bounded by his ideology. This made him associate himself with INC and he emerged as one of the inevitable forces which gained independence to India in 1947.

Titled as ‘Bismarck of India’:
Around 1946, British almost confirmed its defeat before the rising freedom struggle led by determined leaders like Patel, Jawaharlal Nehru and many. So it decided to grant freedom but not without hurdles. The June 3rd Mountbattern plan by the then Governor General of India accepted to the two-nation theory and let the emergence of Pakistan. Also left 565 Princely states to decide their fate of either joining India or Pakistan. This paved way for a lot of turmoil in the country.

The role of Patel saw its zenith during this period. He toured the entire nation and with his effective convincing quality managed to integrate 562 Princely states with Indian union. Kingdoms of Jammu and Kashmir, Hyderabad and Junagadh remained adamant from joining India. But Patel with the use of his administrative quality and police force made these states to bend towards India. Without him the present day India is not possible, instead, we would have witnessed the balkanization of India into 565 regions. This stunning effort of Patel was honored by naming the Indian Police Academy, Hyderabad after him.

Tit-bits of Statue of Unity:
The Statue of Unity is to reinstate the novel feature of India, ‘Unity in Diversity’, is erected to mark the National Integration day, on the birth anniversary of Vallabhai Patel, the architect of present day India. It is proudly claimed to be the tallest statue in the world measuring 597 feet height surpassing the Buddha statue, China of 419 feet, which was the tallest so far. It is situated in Sadhu Bet Island of Gujarat, 3.2 km from Narmada dam.

Around 3000 crores have been spent on this project and Ram.V.Sutar was the chief sculptor of this wonder. The statue is to have added features like gardens, museums around it, changing it into one of the potential tourist destinations, on par with the Statue of Liberty of United States of America. The gigantic structure will always carry the message of national integration along with its grandeur. This generation is lucky enough to witness this historical event. Make a plan to visit this incredible monument and cherish the spirit of unity of India.

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