Che Guevara : One of the greatest inspirations

Ernesto Guevara, born to Ernesto Guevara Lynch and Celia de la Serna on June 14,1928 in Rosario province of Argentina. Doctor by profession later turned out to be a revolutionary icon, life of Ernesto has lot to get inspired. At the age of two, little Ernesto was affected by Asthma. But his hard stoned heart never let him down till his last breath. At his teen age, in spite of suffering by Asthma, he was a furious rugby player which earned him a nick name ‘FuSer’ (Furious Serna) among his friends.

Will Power:
After completing medicine, Ernesto decided to serve a medical camp treating leprosy patients, which was located near Amazon river. The patients were kept on one side of the river while the residence for doctors was arranged on the other side. Meanwhile, Ernesto’s birthday arrived and the doctors arranged for a grand dinner party. But Ernesto’s heart was striking for the patients on the other side of the river. He decided to celebrate his birthday with them. The will power of Ernesto made him swim across the bone chilling Amazon , which people will not dare t o cross even in day time.

Fidel& CHE
Ernesto, after meeting Fidel Castro, Cuban revolutionary leader found his passion in revolution against the imperial power of capitalism. He joined hands with Fidel and on Jan 1st 1957 gained freedom for Cuba. Fidel honored him with citizenship and also allocated important portfolios under his leadership. To set an example, Ernesto used to arrive at the office punctually and also avoided using government vehicles for personal use. Once his wife used the vehicle for an emergency, and later it made her to say sorry for around thousand times to convince Ernesto.

Ernesto broke all stereotypes of leadership and treated his subordinates equally par with him. This friendly nature of Ernesto gained the renowned nick name ‘Che’ for him, where Che means friend. With so much fame and prestige, no person can leave all these behind and move out to struggle for the freedom of the entire world. But ever adventurous Che did it. One fine day , he wrote a letter to Fidel about his ambition and silently left Cuba, to fight for the cause of other countries suppressed by imperial powers.

Inspiring Moment:
On 9 october 1967, Che was arrested by CIA agents in the cover of Bolivian soldiers. The imperial power after lot of debates finally decided to destroy the biggest threat of imperialism and the topper of hit list, Che Guevara. Che was gun shot in an old school of La Higuvera and was buried along with six other associates of him in Vale Grande. Before the shot, the fearless heroic words of Che was “Shoot coward, you are only going to kill a man, not the revolution”. And yes, still Che lives in every revolution of freedom. Saluting this inspiring icon of revolution on his birthday.

Written By Social Author Miss.PRABHA KATHAMUTHU

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